Please take this survey. Your response will help us improve our FREE service.
1. How many times have you visited our web site?
2. We now offer step-by-step CAD plans with over 50 full color diagrams plus our basic plans written in a narrative format. What was your expectation when you arrived at the site?
3. If you had purchased these plans, how much do you think they would be worth?
4. Would you purchase a treehouse "kit" that would be packaged and shipped via UPS?
5. If you build the treehouse, how much money are you willing to spend?
6. Where are you buying materials?
7. Where do you live?
8. If your family is building a treehouse, who is pushing the idea?
9. Will you grade our site?
10. How did you find us?
11. What is the approximate time you spent on our site?
12. Who are you (in relationship to the person wanting the treehouse)?